Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Top 3 things I am obsessed with on Netlfix

Hey guys! It has been far too long since I last did a decent blog post - even though I only have two - but still. So today I am going to be telling you guys about my current obsessions that are on Netflix. Now, I live in the UK so we don't really get amazing shows/movies all too often (yet I am still grateful for Netflix), unlike the American Netlix - I am forever jealous. However, we do (rarely) get decent things put on and I am thankful for it because I am now obsessed! Anyway, onto the listing -- drum roll pleeeease.....

The first thing that I got obsessed with was Pretty Little Liars. Now, truth be told, I watched the first episode a long time ago and it just didn't spike my interest back that -- I know... Blasphemy... -- I don't know why it didn't and therefore I didn't understand what all the hype was about. Anyway, I was bored one night and I decided to give it another shot, so I did and then BAM. I am addicted. Strange how the world works right? I got caught up within a month or so, I was and still am, really chuffed with myself! Hahah. The best news about this is that I even got the guy I like to watch it too - and he's on season 4 now - so it hasn't exactly taken him long to get caught up. 

How does everyone feels about the five year time gap?

Personally, I am okay with it, I am really interested to see what way it turns out. Also! Spencer's fringe! I think she looks beautiful with it - though she was already beautiful.

Now, the second thing that I am currently obsessed with also is Orange is the new Black. This is another show that I wasn't really excited to watch -- as I personally thought that it was overrated. But boy oh boy, was I wrong? Hell yeah I was! I'm only on the second season, so I still have another wee bit to go until I am caught up. 

Who doesn't love a bit of lesbianism on screen? Eh? Hahha.

Honestly, I get a bit awkward whenever they are really getting at it and my family is quite uptight -- my mother really & I have a three year old sister so... -- so I generally just skip through those scenes.

The third and final thing that I have been obsessed with is Once Upon a Time. I find 0 flaws with this show and it's just so... supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (probably spelt that wrong, oops); I would say that season 1 was my favourite as it was just so magical and it gives me butterflies every time I watch it, but I am loving season 4 also. 

My favourite ship is Robin and Regina. I'm so happy that Regina is able to find her happy ending. It makes me 'feel.' 

I have been obsessed with a lot of other tv shows (such as Gotham & That 70s show) and movies (such as Walking on Sushine & a pile of Disney films). I really hope you enjoyed reading - even though there wasn't exactly much to read - I am trying, I really am!! Hahah. 

You guys can also help me out! Follow me and leave a comment! I want to know about the different movies and tv series you gys are obsessed with too! 

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Everyday Life: March Favourites

This is one of my close friends first blog - well, technically not first, but first under this name. I just read this and I have to say, without being biased, I really liked it! So please, guys, give her a chance and take a quick wee look! Who knows, perhaps you'll find something you'll like!

Everyday Life: March Favourites: My Current March Favourites. I am back (as you can see) under a new name. I also plan to upload some YouTube videos as well, I don...