Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Top 3 things I am obsessed with on Netlfix

Hey guys! It has been far too long since I last did a decent blog post - even though I only have two - but still. So today I am going to be telling you guys about my current obsessions that are on Netflix. Now, I live in the UK so we don't really get amazing shows/movies all too often (yet I am still grateful for Netflix), unlike the American Netlix - I am forever jealous. However, we do (rarely) get decent things put on and I am thankful for it because I am now obsessed! Anyway, onto the listing -- drum roll pleeeease.....

The first thing that I got obsessed with was Pretty Little Liars. Now, truth be told, I watched the first episode a long time ago and it just didn't spike my interest back that -- I know... Blasphemy... -- I don't know why it didn't and therefore I didn't understand what all the hype was about. Anyway, I was bored one night and I decided to give it another shot, so I did and then BAM. I am addicted. Strange how the world works right? I got caught up within a month or so, I was and still am, really chuffed with myself! Hahah. The best news about this is that I even got the guy I like to watch it too - and he's on season 4 now - so it hasn't exactly taken him long to get caught up. 

How does everyone feels about the five year time gap?

Personally, I am okay with it, I am really interested to see what way it turns out. Also! Spencer's fringe! I think she looks beautiful with it - though she was already beautiful.

Now, the second thing that I am currently obsessed with also is Orange is the new Black. This is another show that I wasn't really excited to watch -- as I personally thought that it was overrated. But boy oh boy, was I wrong? Hell yeah I was! I'm only on the second season, so I still have another wee bit to go until I am caught up. 

Who doesn't love a bit of lesbianism on screen? Eh? Hahha.

Honestly, I get a bit awkward whenever they are really getting at it and my family is quite uptight -- my mother really & I have a three year old sister so... -- so I generally just skip through those scenes.

The third and final thing that I have been obsessed with is Once Upon a Time. I find 0 flaws with this show and it's just so... supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (probably spelt that wrong, oops); I would say that season 1 was my favourite as it was just so magical and it gives me butterflies every time I watch it, but I am loving season 4 also. 

My favourite ship is Robin and Regina. I'm so happy that Regina is able to find her happy ending. It makes me 'feel.' 

I have been obsessed with a lot of other tv shows (such as Gotham & That 70s show) and movies (such as Walking on Sushine & a pile of Disney films). I really hope you enjoyed reading - even though there wasn't exactly much to read - I am trying, I really am!! Hahah. 

You guys can also help me out! Follow me and leave a comment! I want to know about the different movies and tv series you gys are obsessed with too! 

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Everyday Life: March Favourites

This is one of my close friends first blog - well, technically not first, but first under this name. I just read this and I have to say, without being biased, I really liked it! So please, guys, give her a chance and take a quick wee look! Who knows, perhaps you'll find something you'll like!

Everyday Life: March Favourites: My Current March Favourites. I am back (as you can see) under a new name. I also plan to upload some YouTube videos as well, I don...

Monday, 27 July 2015

Would you rather..

Usually, people may but up an 'about me' post first, however, I would like to remain a mystery for you guys. Who knows, perhaps I shall upload an 'About me' post sometime in the near future. However, for now, let's do the silly wee things first!

1. Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up, or nice hair and no make-up?

Well, to be honest, I would rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up. Mainly because with messy hair you can put on a beanie, or you can tie your hair up into a messy bun or a messy ponytail. And whilst that it being sorted, you still look amazing with your make-up - a thin layer, though, of course.

2. Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?

I would rather shave my eyebrows. Honestly. They will grow back, so no harm down there, and you can always draw on your eyebrows. Besides, without my eyelashes, my eyes look really small and you would think I was crying, or didn't get enough sleep 24/7.

3. Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?

Okay, so I am British, and the second store sort of baffled me. I am guessing that Sephora is a store that is basically the equivalent to Debenhams, which is a store that I absolutely adore!! So, I would have to say Sephora.

4. Would you rather wear lipgloss/lipliner look or 80's perm?

 Honestly? The lip gloss/lip liner look, as I can't see myself pulling off the 80's perm - AT ALL. No matter what I would do with it. 

5. Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?

I actually think this question is the hardest one yet! Hm. I would have to say... Foundation late. As, if it is pointed out, then all I would have to do is blend it in. However, the same could go for the blush, but I would rather the foundation line as I wouldn't have to walk around looking like a clown who has problems.

6. Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?

More American terms! Oh dear. Biker shorts. They're just like leggings... That make me cringe. But yes, I would rather go with the Biker shorts.

7. Would you rather have a band orange-y spray tan or really weird tan lines that can't be covered?

I would rather have the bad tan, as there are ways for getting it out and all that jazz.

8. Would you rather have youtube or twitter taken away forever?

Twitter. I could and can live without it. I do, sadly, need my youtube. How else am I going to watch all of my favourite youtubers?

9. Would you rather have a bad haircut or a bad hair colour?

I would rather have my hair a bad colour. Only because I can re-dye it. If I had a bad haircut, then I would have to wait for my hair to grow and trust me, I am not a patient person.

10. Would you rather give up using make-up brushes or mascara?

I would rather give up make-up brushes. Before I got mine, I had always been using my hands and all that, so I could easily give them up. I couldn't live without my mascara. I sometimes can't leave the house without any! It's crazy! I think that if you don't have any mascara on, then you're naked --- well, that's my thoughts on myself anyway. I just feel as though mascara brings out my eyes and helps them to seem larger and brighter. So, I could never give up mascara, nope. No way!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, it means the world to me! 


Instagram: @bloggercecesworld
Twitter: @_ceces_world